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KAZUMI: More ThanA Throat Goat

Tori Green: Who are you? What do you do?

Kazumi: My stage name is Kazumi, and I am an adult content creator.

Tori: What was your first business (including running your own business)? How long did this last or are you still involved in the same business?

Kazumi: I would say my creation of Kazumi is my first business, and it's been an ongoing project of seeing how far I can take it. I've created a character that I want people to project their fantasies upon using different internal and external marketing techniques. She is the product, and I'm in charge of selling her assets.

Tori: Biggest challenge? How did you get through it?

Kazumi: I would say my biggest challenge was and is customer acquisition. Normalizing buying porn is still such an uphill battle. I didn't want to have social media for the longest time because I'm scared of my parents finding out what I do, so I had to find customers in unconventional ways. I started off by buying promo, and the way I optimized my page was keeping me at 0.01% on Onlyfans for a long time, until the glitches made my income inconsistent. I figured a strong social media would keep my money more consistent, so I made an Instagram. I didn't find myself that attractive back then, so I bought promo for myself using memes and stunts instead of thirst traps. Eventually I was able to get my BBL and I booked a lot of photoshoots to showcase it, and started looking for PR moves like getting on podcasts and other SFW sources. Nowadays, my subscription money is pretty good--but it always feels like an upward battle of doing more.

Tori: What is something that you wish you could go back and tell yourself before starting this


Kazumi: I wish I started porn when I was 18 with the knowledge I had now. I wish I didn't have all the insecurities and self doubt to go all in back then, because this was the best thing I ever did for myself!

Tori: What did you do before owning your own/running your business?

Kazumi: Before Onlyfans I was a marketing executive for three years. I worked with people in welfare and would go door to door, and I feel like it really taught me grit! I also used to be a fry cook at Shake Shack, and a sugar baby.

Tori: What/who made you take the first leap?

Kazumi: During COVID I really didn't want to go door to door anymore, and I wanted to buy some titties.

Tori: Who was the first to believe in you and give you real support (financial/sweat equity)?

Kazumi: My partner always believed in me. I lived in the living room couch with him the first year of our relationship and he always gave me the space to be me.

Tori: Was this your dream job? If not, what was?

Kazumi: I always wanted to do porn. I've always been attracted to sex work, in all forms! It feels empowering to me and I always wanted financial freedom.

Tori: Why did you get into this field?

Kazumi: It was something I was already comfortable with, because I was surrounded by sex workers all the time. I always hung out with porn stars and used to throw weekly sex parties, and already had sex in front of crowds of strangers anyways.

Tori: What is your biggest failure that you turned into a success?

Kazumi: I could not for the life of me get promoted at my old job as a marketing executive. Now I'll never have to enter the workforce again!

Tori: If you could change one thing about your life today for the better, what would it be?

Kazumi: Honestly, my life is pretty perfect right now. I have everything I need and most of what I want.

Tori: How is your life/work balance? Body, mind, and soul weekly routine?

Kazumi: I make my own schedule, so feeling like I'm working towards a goal energizes me. I like working but I make time to be present for my partner and close friends.

Tori: Do you say/write out affirmations?

Kazumi: No, although I'd say I have some mantras I definitely hold dear.

Tori: When was the last time you tried something new/ Stepped out of routine?

Kazumi: Hmm, I've started eating ass. It's not as bad as I thought!

Tori: Favorite book that changed your life?

Kazumi: I like the story, "Zombie" by Chuck Palahniuk.

Tori: Do you think your gender gives you an advantage or disadvantage in today’s world?

Kazumi: I think it's a little bit of both. I feel like being a cis female allows me to express myself more, but I also feel like I'm not taken seriously sometimes.

Tori: Have you experienced different treatment from your peers of the opposite sex?

Kazumi: Yes, although I haven't really been in front of bigoted people in a long time.

Tori: Thoughts on the glass ceiling?

Kazumi: I love my job because there is no glass ceiling. It's constantly being broken by somebody, and it's inspiring to see us win in the face of it all. It's one of the reasons I am always open about my finances and how much I make. Why can't sluts change the world?

Tori: What advice would you give your children/ future children about succeeding in a

patriarchal society?

Kazumi: It's none of your business what they think about you.

Tori: If you could talk to a young boy/girl from your hometown neighborhood who aspires to

have your career/job/focus what would tell them? Advice.

Kazumi: It's not an easy cash grab. Have accessible prices, make consistently good work, and do only what you want to do.

Tori: Fun fact about you?

Kazumi: I ran for Miss Philippines :)

Tori: Number one piece of advice you remember?

Kazumi: Tough times don't last, tough people do.

Tori: Anything coming up for you that you want to talk about?

Kazumi: I was in a cooking show for OFTV, a snapchattv show, and in a bunch of podcasts. I also just landed the cover of Playboy Australia, woot!

Tori: Where can we find you online?

Kazumi: My onlyfans is kazumisworld, and always $3. I give free nudes to the vaxxed. My instagram is also kazumisworld!

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